


o p u s



Location: Helsinki, Finland

Year: 2019–2020

Status: Competition. 1st prize.

Program: Urban redevelopment plan for historic hospital area

Client: NREP


In collaboration with Ark-byroo ltd & Architects Soini & Horto ltd.


The city of Helsinki organized a two-phased open ideas competition in 2019 for the redevelopment of the historically significant Lapinlahti hospital area. The basis for the competition was to find a suitable proprietary body for the properties, which would commit to the proper restoration and maintenance of the historically valued buildings and their immediate surroundings. The competition also required the development of the extensive park on the site. A coalition of three architectural practices, in collaboration with NREP and Oaklins Merasco submitted a proposal for the competition, which was selected to enter into the second phase. During the second phase, the proposal was further developed in collaboration with a variety of experts from different fields and under the guidance of the city’s representatives.


The design proposed that the historic buildings be restored, respecting the original spatial and architectural qualities. New functions were proposed for the old buildings that would fit their character and require minimal amount of new technical solutions.


Two new units of supported housing were proposed by the house of Koivula, which currently provides the same function on the site. The new and the old would form a shared courtyard. The new three and four storey high volumes respect the scale and significance of the existing four storey building.


A stepping, five-storey hotel was proposed by western highway of Länsiväylä. The hotel would enrich the social diversity of the area and with its massing shield the park from the traffic and noise of the highway.